Frequently asked questions.
How much will my tattoo cost?
The price is determined by the amount of time required to complete the tattoo, taking into account the size, complexity, and how much preparation is needed to create the design. Our shop minimum is $150. We’ll often give a fixed price for small tattoos and charge an hourly rate of $250 for larger, custom pieces.
in terms of tattoo size, Should i go big or small?
Take your budget into consideration, as well as your pain tolerance, especially if it’s your first tattoo. You don’t want to have to tap out halfway through a session! If you’re on the fence, your artist can make a recommendation based on the area you’ve chosen to place the tattoo so that it has the best chance at standing the test of time. Skin is a living, breathing canvas that can change drastically over time. Spoiler alert– Tiny, detailed tattoos and tattoos with very thin line-work don’t age well!
Am I at any risk of contracting a disease or getting an infection while being tattooed?
As long as you’re going to a reputable tattoo artist at a professional studio, there is very minimal risk of getting an infection or disease. Our artists are licensed by the New York Department of Health and trained in recommended health & safety protocols. We apply strict rules to prevent contamination from pathogens, such as utilizing single-use needles and gloves and sterilizing all surfaces and equipment after each session. We work hard to ensure that the only thing you’re going home with is a beautiful tattoo but proper aftercare is still necessary to prevent infection.
Can I get tattooed if I’m sick or have a chronic illness?
Please be respectful of the health of our artists and other clients. If you’re sick, reach out to us to reschedule ASAP. Make sure you’re completely honest about any medical conditions you have. As long as the procedure itself doesn’t pose a danger to your health, you’re welcome to get tattooed. We follow strict sanitizing protocols to limit the risk to artists or other clients.
can i get tattooed while pregnant or nursing?
Out of an abundance of caution, our artists will not knowingly tattoo anyone who is pregnant. And while there’s no evidence to suggest that tattooing poses a risk to a breastfeeding mother’s baby, there’s always the possibility of developing an infection during the healing process and medications used to treat that are incompatible with nursing.
how long will the procedure take?
It depends on the tattoo’s size and complexity, the pace at which the artist works, and your patience. Small pieces can be done in 1-3 hours but a more complex design can take upwards of 10 hours. Large tattoos usually require more than 1 session. In many cases, the artist will complete the outline in the first sitting and then work on coloring and shading in subsequent sessions. Your artist can let you know how many sittings your tattoo requires and how many hours each session will take. Either way, give your artist ample time to work their magic. A rushed tattoo is always a bad tattoo.
Are there any limits to what (or where) my artist will tattoo?
As a shop policy, we do not tattoo any hate symbols/text but each artist has different boundaries. They’re within their right to decline if you want a tattoo in a place they’re uncomfortable with (genitals, scalp, face, etc.), if your tattoo contains imagery they find objectionable… or if you show up after Happy Hour asking to get “I Love Drake” tatted on your throat (or anything else destined for a future laser removal).
How should I prepare for my appointment?
Get a good night’s sleep, have a full meal prior to your appointment and bring along sugary snacks or drinks to keep your blood sugar up and alleviate any dizziness or nausea you may experience. Wear comfortable clothes that allow easy access to the area being tattooed. Avoid alcohol and any heavy drugs as they can cause excessive bleeding and your artist may refuse to tattoo you if they feel you’re too impaired. Before the procedure begins, let your artist know if you’re prone to fainting or have skin allergies.
What if I’m getting a tattoo in a private area of my body?
Your artist will use privacy screens so that you feel comfortable during your appointment. You will only be asked to remove clothing that impedes their ability to tattoo you and they’ll provide coverings like pasties when necessary.
How painful is getting a tattoo?
It’s different for everyone, but getting tattooed can be painful, in some areas more than others. If it’s your first time, you can expect to feel a scratchy, burning sensation. Depending on the placement of your tattoo and your skin’s sensitivity, some of our artists may use numbing creams. If you’re thinking about using a cream you’ve purchased, please consult your artist beforehand. Just remember, every rose has its thorn. Whatever pain you experience will quickly dissipate once you see your gorgeous new tattoo!
Okay, I get all that but which areas are the most painful?
Pain isn’t one-size-fits-all but, in general, the areas with most sensitivity are the inside of the arm, arm pits, elbows, rib cage, ankles, shins, knees, groin, neck, spine, head/face, hands and feet–typically “bony” areas and areas with lots of nerve endings.
How do I care for my tattoo after my appointment?
The healing process is dependent on several factors but, general-speaking, your tattoo should be fully healed after 6 weeks if you care for it properly. Please see our instructions for guidance: https://www.cominguprosesnyc.com/aftercare
My tattoo is healed but it looks a little patchy. Can the artist fix it?
After your tattoo has healed, there may be some small areas where the ink looks to have disappeared. This is totally normal and you can return to your artist for 1 free touch up within 3 months of your tattoo being completed. Just reach out to us via email: OrchardStTattoos@Gmail.com to make an appointment.